12 579
blog posts
287 photographed species of 372 (77%)


Lupinos Mariya

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map of photoshootings

total species: 20
total photos: 36
total videos: 0
total blogposts: 0

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1. Tufted Duck (2020-01-14)
2. Mallard (2020-01-18)
3. Baraba Steppe Gull (2020-03-26)
4. Hen Harrier (2020-03-26)
5. White-tailed Sea-Eagle (2020-03-26)
6. Common Redpoll (2020-03-26)
7. Common Raven (2020-03-26)
8. Whooper Swan (2020-03-26)
9. Yellowhammer (2020-03-26)
10. Black Kite (2020-03-26)
11. Tree Sparrow (2020-03-26)
12. Common Starling (2020-03-26)
13. Eurasian Collared Dove (2020-03-26)
14. Stock Pigeon (2020-03-26)
15. Rook (2020-03-26)
16. Eurasian Jackdaw (2020-03-26)
17. Eurasian Goldfinch (2020-03-27)
18. Azure Tit (2020-03-27)
19. Eurasian Linnet (2020-03-27)
20. Eurasian Scops-Owl (2020-06-15)

recent uploads

2020-12-15. Eurasian Scops-Owl.

2020-04-08. Eurasian Goldfinch, Azure Tit, Eurasian Linnet.

2020-04-07. Baraba Steppe Gull, Baraba Steppe Gull, Eurasian Jackdaw, Rook, Stock Pigeon, Eurasian Collared Dove, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Common Starling, Tree Sparrow, Black Kite, Yellowhammer, Whooper Swan, Common Raven, Common Redpoll, White-tailed Sea-Eagle, Hen Harrier.

2020-01-21. Carrion Crow.

rare birds records

Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)

© Dmitry Nizovtsev
inter-settlement territories of the Uvatsky municipal district, Tyumen region

The northernmost photo-recotd of this species in the Western Siberia at the website.

Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)

© Nadezhda Bogomyakova

A rare record in the migration within the continent. The first regisration in the Tyumen' Region (excepting their autonomy districs)/

Grey-necked Bunting (Emberiza buchanani)

© Maksim Volkov

The first vagrant record of this species in the northern Siberia.

Great White Egret (Egretta alba)

© Konstantin Kisloy
Gubkinskiy city, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

A rare vagrant on the Yamal Peninsula.

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recent video

2023-06-01. Black-winged Stilt (Nadezhda Bogomyakova), Terek Sandpiper (Nadezhda Bogomyakova).

2022-12-14. Common Crane (vasily malishcin), Common Redshank (vasily malishcin), Ruff (vasily malishcin), Black-tailed Godwit (vasily malishcin), Wood Pigeon (vasily malishcin), Pine Grosbeak (vasily malishcin).

2022-06-09. Grey Heron (vasily malishcin), Grey Heron (vasily malishcin).

2022-05-24. Northern Shoveler (vasily malishcin).

2022-05-11. Gadwall (vasily malishcin).

2022-05-05. Mute Swan (vasily malishcin), Smew (vasily malishcin).

2022-03-26. Smew (vasily malishcin).

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unidentified birds


Игорь Фефелов: Не мало , а много то есть.


Игорь Фефелов: Дело довольно дрянь. Но это лунь. Не болотный. И, кажется, и не полевой.


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Игорь Фефелов: Вот такие они в слётках ( лесной там не гнездится, тут пятнистый без вариантов).

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