
basic information

Arctic Loon

Gavia arctica (Linnaeus, 1758)

Чернозобая гагара

Berdyugsky district, Tundrovo lake
© Luiza Mardonova


Black-throated Diver in breeding plumage has ashy-grey upper-head and neck; mantle is black with purple and green tinge and with rows of white spots; throat and upper part of fore-neck are black with green and purple tinges; there is row of white spots on throat; and white strips on neck-flanks; flanks are black; upperparts including axillaries are white. Bill is black; legs are black in outer parts and bluish-grey in inner ones. Eyes are red-brownish. In winter plumage upperparts are black-brownish; underparts including cheeks and feathers of neck are white; upperhead and rear-neck are grey. Juveniles have plumage as on winter adults, but more dingy. Sizes: wing 290-350 mm, tail 54-62 mm, tarsus 80-83 mm, bill 58-70 mm.



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Игорь Фефелов: Не мало , а много то есть.


Игорь Фефелов: Дело довольно дрянь. Но это лунь. Не болотный. И, кажется, и не полевой.


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