
basic information

Spotted Redshank

Tringa erythropus (Pallas, 1764)


Tyumen region, Yalutorovsk
© Dmitry Porshnev


The Spotted Redshank is a bird on size similar to Common Redshank or slight larger. The head, fore part of the back, and underparts of adult birds on spring plumage is black with the white spots or edges of the much feathers. The rear part of the back and the rump are all white. The uppertail coverts and tail feathers are blackish with the dense white cross strips. The flight feathers are brownish, some of them with white cross strips. The core of the first primary feather is white. The axillaries are white. The bill is black with reddish base of lower mandible; thin and straight. The legs are red, sometimes black with reddish bends. The eyes are brownish. The adult birds in winter plumage have grey head, neck and back; the white supercilium begins from the bill's base. The upperparts are white with grayish spots on the craw and flanks. The legs are orange. The juveniles are similar to autumn adults but have the darker browner with white mottles upperparts. The throat is white, other underparts are dirty-grey with brownish mottles. The legs are light-orange. Weight 160-172 grams, wing length- 152-173 mm.



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