
basic information

Sand Martin

Riparia riparia (Linnaeus, 1758)

Береговая ласточка

Tyumen region, Kazansky district
© Luiza Mardonova


The Sand Martin is less than Sparrow on size. Upperparts are dark-brownish, upperparts are white with brown band on the breast. The tail cut isn't deep. The bill is black, the legs brown. On the legs there are rare feathers. From afar it is possible to mix up it with House Swallow; it is distinguished from House Swallow by the dark rump and dark breast band. Both sexes are similar; no seasonal differences of plumage. Juveniles are similar on adults but have on the uppaerparts the scaly parent formed by the buffy tips of the feathers. Weight 11-16 g, long 12-14, wing 9,7-11,5, wingspan 28-30 cm.



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