basic information
reports |
Tyumen region, Yalutorovsk |
© Dmitry Porshnev
Smaller than Teal. In the breeding time, differs from Slavonian Grebe with black neck, coloration of head, and its shape. In autumn, the best distinguishing feature is bill, which is obviously curved up; also more grey color on foreneck, and dark "cap" goes more down in cheeks, covering the ear area. Young birds are like adults in autumb, but grey color on neck is somewhat rufous and goes to upper breast; in the close view spots on head sides are seen. Young birds have brown iris, adults have red. All these features are visible in the close view. A wing has only one white field on hindwing in secondaries and several inner primaries as well. Weight 200-450 gr; length 28-34 cm, wing 12.4-13.9, wingspan 56-60.//