
basic information


Pandion haliaetus (Linnaeus, 1758)


Tyumen region, Yalutorovsk
© Dmitry Porshnev


Male and female of Osprey are similar. Adult Ospreys have dark-brownish upperparts, buffy-white head with broad brownish patch passes from forehead to nape; same dark-brownish strips passes across eyes and ears; all underparts are buffy-white with dark spats on craw; underwings are pale with marble pattern; flight feathers are brownish above; tail is cross-barred. Juveniles in first plumage are dark-brownish above with whitish edges of feathers, especially on shoulders and wing coverts; crown is whitish in brownish shift-streaks (extended feathers of nape formed crest); flight feathers are dark-brownish with pale bases; tail feathers are dark cross-barred.This plumages in second year changed by final plumage of adult bird. Eyes are yellow, bill is bluish on base, black-horn in median and on tip; legs are leaden sometimes greenish tinged; claws are black. SIzes: males wing 448-492, females wing 485-515, males tail 207, females tail 227, tarsus 50-65 mm. Weight: 1300-1900 gr.



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Игорь Фефелов: Не мало , а много то есть.


Игорь Фефелов: Дело довольно дрянь. Но это лунь. Не болотный. И, кажется, и не полевой.


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