
Best photos of the month, June 2023.

Red-necked Phalarope | Maksim Volkov | 12

Arctic Tern | Maksim Volkov | 11

Dunlin | Maksim Volkov | 10

Northern Pintail | Maksim Volkov | 10

Pectoral Sandpiper | Maksim Volkov | 10

Black Scoter | Konstantin Kisloy | 10

Arctic Loon | Konstantin Kisloy | 10

Black Scoter | Vladimir Kuzmin | 10

Eurasian Whimbrel | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 9

Long-tailed Skua | Maksim Volkov | 9

Red-throated Loon | Maksim Volkov | 9

Long-tailed Duck | Maksim Volkov | 9

Brambling | Konstantin Kisloy | 9

Common Teal | Maksim Volkov | 8

Bar-tailed Godwit | Maksim Volkov | 8

Greater Ringed Plover | Maksim Volkov | 8

Arctic Loon | Maksim Volkov | 8

Spotted Redshank | Konstantin Kisloy | 8

Terek Sandpiper | Maksim Volkov | 7

Temminck's Stint | Maksim Volkov | 7

Red-throated Pipit | Maksim Volkov | 7

Common Snipe | Maksim Volkov | 7

Little Bunting | Konstantin Kisloy | 7

Bluethroat | Aleksei Kungurov | 7

Common Redshank | Aleksei Kungurov | 7

Goosander | Vladimir Kuzmin | 7

Eurasian Whimbrel | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 7

Eurasian Whimbrel | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 7

Wood Pigeon | Lyubov Dokuchaeva | 6

Little Stint | Maksim Volkov | 6

Grey Plover | Maksim Volkov | 6

Wood Sandpiper | Maksim Volkov | 6

Wood Sandpiper | Konstantin Kisloy | 6

Little Bunting | Konstantin Kisloy | 6

Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Konstantin Kisloy | 6

Great Spotted Woodpecker | Konstantin Kisloy | 6

Common Sandpiper | Yuliya Shalamova | 6

Black-headed Gull | Aleksei Kungurov | 6

Eurasian Goldfinch | Aleksei Kungurov | 6

Terek Sandpiper | Aleksei Kungurov | 6

Yellow Wagtail | Aleksei Kungurov | 6

Olive-backed Pipit | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 5

Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Maksim Volkov | 5

Eurasian Golden Plover | Maksim Volkov | 5

Great Spotted Woodpecker | Konstantin Kisloy | 5

Tufted Duck | Konstantin Kisloy | 5

Arctic Tern | Konstantin Kisloy | 5

European Golden Oriole | Yuliya Shalamova | 5

Northern Wheatear | Aleksei Kungurov | 5

Tree Sparrow | Aleksei Kungurov | 5

Red-necked Phalarope | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Red-breasted Merganser | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

House Sparrow | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Spotted Redshank | Konstantin Kisloy | 5

Red-breasted Merganser | Vladimir Kuzmin | 5

Black-tailed Godwit | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 4

Lesser Whitethroat | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 4

Tufted Duck | Maksim Volkov | 4

Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Konstantin Kisloy | 4

Little Bunting | Konstantin Kisloy | 4

Tufted Duck | Konstantin Kisloy | 4

Black Kite | Konstantin Kisloy | 4

Long-tailed Duck | Konstantin Kisloy | 4

Red-throated Loon | Konstantin Kisloy | 4

Common Treecreeper | Yuliya Shalamova | 4

Grey Heron | Aleksei Kungurov | 4

Common Starling | Aleksei Kungurov | 4

Common Stonechat | Aleksei Kungurov | 4

White-winged Tern | Aleksei Kungurov | 4

Sand Martin | Vladimir Kuzmin | 4

Common Raven | Vladimir Kuzmin | 4

Lesser Whitethroat | Vladimir Kuzmin | 4

Red-breasted Merganser | Vladimir Kuzmin | 4

Red-breasted Merganser | Vladimir Kuzmin | 4

Long-tailed Rosefinch | Lyubov Dokuchaeva | 3

Barn Swallow | Maksim Volkov | 3

Common Teal | Maksim Volkov | 3

Citrine Wagtail | Maksim Volkov | 3

Little Bunting | Maksim Volkov | 3

Common Redpoll | Maksim Volkov | 3

Common Sandpiper | Jura Janke | 3

Booted Warbler | Jura Janke | 3

Smew | Konstantin Kisloy | 3

Little Bunting | Konstantin Kisloy | 3

Northern Wheatear | Konstantin Kisloy | 3

Common Teal | Konstantin Kisloy | 3

Blyth's Reed Warbler | Yuliya Shalamova | 3

Sand Martin | Aleksei Kungurov | 3

Blyth's Reed Warbler | Aleksei Kungurov | 3

White Wagtail | Aleksei Kungurov | 3

Black Kite | Vladimir Kuzmin | 3

Common Rosefinch | Vladimir Kuzmin | 3

Olive-backed Pipit | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 3

Lesser Whitethroat | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 3

Little Bunting | Konstantin Kisloy | 3

Tufted Duck | Konstantin Kisloy | 3

Black Scoter | Vladimir Kuzmin | 3

Red-breasted Merganser | Vladimir Kuzmin | 3

Bluethroat | Lyubov Dokuchaeva | 2

Common Raven | Maksim Volkov | 2

Fieldfare | Jura Janke | 2

Common Sandpiper | Jura Janke | 2

Eurasian Wigeon | Jura Janke | 2

Common Whitethroat | Jura Janke | 2

Northern Bullfinch | Konstantin Kisloy | 2

Arctic Tern | Konstantin Kisloy | 2

Black-Billed Magpie | Konstantin Kisloy | 2

Eurasian Whimbrel | Konstantin Kisloy | 2

Mew Gull | Konstantin Kisloy | 2

Northern Bullfinch | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Marsh Sandpiper | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Yellowhammer | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Yellowhammer | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Common Starling | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Eurasian Nuthatch | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Tree Sparrow | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Hooded Crow | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Oriental Turtle Dove | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Great Spotted Woodpecker | Konstantin Kisloy | 2

Northern Bullfinch | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Marsh Sandpiper | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Common Starling | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Northern Bullfinch | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Marsh Sandpiper | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Yellowhammer | Aleksei Kungurov | 2

Osprey | Nadezhda Bogomyakova | 1

Eurasian Wigeon | Jura Janke | 1

Eurasian Siskin | Konstantin Kisloy | 1

House Sparrow | Konstantin Kisloy | 1

Eurasian Redstart | Konstantin Kisloy | 1

Eurasian Whimbrel | Konstantin Kisloy | 1

Long-tailed Skua | Konstantin Kisloy | 1

Northern House Martin | Yuliya Shalamova | 1

Common Buzzard | Yuliya Shalamova | 1

Siberian Black-backed Gull | Vladimir Kuzmin | 1

Red-necked Phalarope | Vladimir Kuzmin | 1

Great Spotted Woodpecker | Konstantin Kisloy | 1

Red-necked Phalarope | Vladimir Kuzmin | 1



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rare birds records

Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)

© Nadezhda Bogomyakova

A rare record in the migration within the continent. The first regisration in the Tyumen' Region (excepting their autonomy districs)/

Grey-necked Bunting (Emberiza buchanani)

© Maksim Volkov

The first vagrant record of this species in the northern Siberia.

Great White Egret (Egretta alba)

© Konstantin Kisloy
Gubkinskiy city, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

A rare vagrant on the Yamal Peninsula.

Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea)

© Dmitry Nizovtsev
Bely Island, YNAO.

Third observation on Beliyu Island

unidentified birds


Александр Нефёдов: Время и для пискульки подходящее. По этим фото вряд ли можно их различить. А голос - аргумент веский.


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